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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tips: How to stay healthy and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Sport is health.
Get your metabolism going! Do sports regularly (at least once or twice a week) and do not miss any opportunity to exercise and move your body (climb stairs, walk on foot or ride the bicycle).

Ballast substances giving a feeling of fullness.
Cheat hunger: ballast substances contained in whole grains, vegetables and fruit quickly create a feeling of fullness that lasts.

Drink, drink, drink!
Only if you drink enough fluids (at least 1.5 liters per day - coffee does not count!), you can help your body eliminate metabolic waste.

Eat vegetables!
Vegetables, by increased volume contributes to filling the distended stomach and giving a feeling of fullness, while providing you with necessary vitamins and minerals. The consumption of "green" food, with their entire fiber content, allows you to eat sufficient amounts of food without gaining weight.

We all have ideals, dreams, desires, but you have to realize that all this depends on your health. It's easy to reach your goals and maintain your health by keeping these things in check: lots of exercise and a balanced nutrition. It all up to you to succeed.

Cut back on sweets!
Caloric needs of a normal weighted adult woman with an average daily activity level is about 1800 kcal, while for men it's around 2200-2400 kcal/day. Limit your intake of sweets. Carbohydrates should represent 50% of daily caloric needs. Do not drink sweetened sodas. Drinking water would be the best solution: it does not contain any calories, it requires no effort of digestion and it's an ideal environment for life processes.

You should eat more of these products:
- cereals, grains, cooked rice and pasta dishes;
- fresh greens and vegetables (potatoes, peas, beans etc);
- fresh fruit whenever you can.

Balance and moderation!
Always eat in the morning. The interval between meals can be 5-6 hours, and dinner to be as "light" as possible and at least 3 hours before bedtime. Sit at the table, do not eat "on the run", chew your food well before swallowing, take your time to enjoy and appreciate the taste of the food.

More exercise!
Daily walks outdoors, taking a deep breaths, making sure we get as much oxygen into the body as possible. Adopt a regular, preferably daily, physical activity. To generate positive health effects, physical activity should be performed frequently (at least 3 times per week), at least 30 minutes/session.

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